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3 Essential Irrigation Tips for Lush Lawn in Summer Heat

3 Essential Irrigation Tips for Lush Lawn in Summer Heat

Want some simple irrigation fixes to get you the best-looking lawn in the neighborhood this summer? We've got your back(yard)!

As the weather heats up, those of us who love lush, green lawns are tempted to crank up the settings on our sprinkler systems and hope for the best! But if you have tried that method before, you're the first to know that not only does it rarely work, but it also doesn't do the environment – or your water bill – any favors.

Though every lawn and property's exact water needs differ, here are our foundational irrigation tactics for effective watering. Use these tips and watch your grass flourish - even in the heat of summer.

Irrigation Tip #1: Water in the late evening.

Successful watering largely depends on timing. One common tip is to not water during the middle of the day. Especially in summer heat, most of the water will evaporate before it can soak into the soil. Not only is this not cost-effective, it does not allow the grass to get enough water.

Similarly, if you water in the morning, the potential evaporation that may result as the sun rises will also result in ineffective watering.

For efficient watering, program sprinklers to turn on late in the evening after the sun goes down. This way, the water can soak into the soil throughout the cool of the night and then continue to dry out during the day. As long as the grass has time to fully dry out, you will be clear of potential fungal issues while ensuring the grass is getting sufficient water.

Irrigation Tip #2: Water thoroughly once per day.

Though irrigation duration may not seem like a big deal, a watering session's frequency plays a large part in overall grass health. Routine watering should occur every other day throughout spring and fall but ensue daily during the summer for best results. Water thoroughly for a deep soak. This encourages strong, healthy roots. Running your sprinklers too often will likely result in shallow turf roots. If your grass develops short roots, it won't withstand the heat very well. Thus, focus on deep, regular watering.

Irrigation Tip #3: Ensure water coverage overlaps.

Of course, your irrigation system produces the best results when the entire yard receives water. We recommend each sprinkler's spray reaches the location of the other head. That way, there is sufficient overlap to ensure every blade of grass receives water. This is the best way to ensure complete coverage since there are nuisance and stream breaks within individual sprinklers' flows.

Own the best-looking lawn in the neighborhood by following these tips!

Or, if you want to stop worrying about your grass, contact us to learn about our irrigation management services. With our expert knowledge, routine visits, and tailored care, we ensure your grass receives the water it needs when (and where) it needs it!

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